How do I maintain a domestic ventilation system?

A domestic ventilation system should be adjusted, maintained and cleaned at least once a year by yourself or by a specialist. The filters in particular need to be replaced regularly.

Compliance with the air volume flows according to the ventilation concept

During commissioning, the specialist installer adjusts the air volume flows in the air outlets and valves as specified in the ventilation concept. It is advisable to obtain the adjustment log after installation. In addition, the setting should be checked as part of annual maintenance, as the original settings may be lost, especially when cleaning the visible parts of the ventilation.

Replacing the filters

Depending on the amount of dust and increased pollen levels, for example in rural areas, the appliance filters become clogged more or less quickly. As a result, the ventilation performance of the appliance decreases. The filter monitoring system integrated by many manufacturers, which is usually time-dependent, often provides sufficient information as to whether you should change the filter promptly. Filter monitoring that automatically takes the condition of the filters into account is more efficient.

It is important that an easily perceptible signal indicates the need to replace the filter. A warning light at the installation site of the ventilation unit is not sufficient. The report should be made in the area where the residents are staying. Filter changes are required quarterly to annually. An overview of the common filter classes can be found in ISO 16890, which replaced EN 779, which was valid until mid 2018.

Cleaning the air ducts

Inspection openings at suitable locations and short air ducts should be provided for cleaning the air ducts. It is advisable to commission a specialist company to clean and maintain the system. The work described in DIN 1946-6 should be carried out annually. The technicians check the condition of the system and check that it is working properly.