DAkkS Accreditation according to DIN 17025

Accreditation in accordance with DIN EN ISO/IEC 17025 confirms that the services provided by TZWL are reliable in terms of quality and safety, correspond to the current state of the art and comply with the relevant standards, guidelines and laws.


Who accredits the TZWL?

Accreditation is carried out by the Deutsche Akkreditierungsstelle GmbH (DAkkS),the national accreditation body of the Federal Republic of Germany. As a testing laboratory, TZWL is subject to accreditation in accordance with DIN EN ISO/IEC 17025, the standard for testing and calibration laboratories. As this standard is valid worldwide, the accreditation of the services provided by TZWL guarantees recognition in the countries of Europe and the world.

Are you looking for an accredited institute for device testing?

Are you an appliance manufacturer and want to know more about the status of our accreditation because you are interested in an accredited test for your domestic ventilation appliance? Your contact at our company is our deputy quality management officer, Jörg Köntopp (Dipl.-Betriebswirt (FH)).

Structure and content of the accreditation of the TZWL

The DIN EN ISO/IEC 17025 standard places requirements on the respective testing laboratory. These requirements are implemented internally through the introduction of a quality management system (hereinafter referred to as QM) and are inspected and certified by the DAkkS at regular intervals.

The QM is binding for all employees of the accredited business unit and forms the basis for all activities of this unit. The management bodies of the TZWL are also bound by the QM. All work in the accredited area is protected from decisions by the management bodies that contradict the objectives of the accreditation by guaranteeing the inspection body appropriate freedom and scope for decision-making.

The accreditation guarantees the neutrality, impartiality and confidentiality of the inspection body. TZWL has been working according to these principles since its foundation.

It goes without saying that an accredited test center provides all the necessary resources for the high-quality performance of testing activities. The focus here is on sophisticated and highly specialized measurement technology. Regular modernization and intensive maintenance and care are a must. Contracts, services such as maintenance work and the production of materials are only awarded to selected partners who have already proven their quality and reliability in the past. At best, our partners work according to their own QM systems and have their own accreditations.

Of particular importance is the monitoring of the measuring equipment used for the tests. In addition to the aforementioned strict selection of suppliers, this includes regular calibration intervals, internal control tests, detailed reworking of measurement errors or inaccuracies and a continuous improvement and control process of the testing and calibration procedures. It almost goes without saying that the measurement data obtained is recorded and managed in such a way that it can always be clearly assigned to the orders and is strictly protected against loss or unauthorized access.

Participation in round robin tests with other accredited national and international testing laboratories ensures the quality and comparability of the results.

All cooperation, whether with partners, customers or service providers, is based on structured processes. To this end, there is an intensive exchange with the partners.

The test principles, mostly based on standards, are subject to a continuous improvement and optimization process. In addition to strict error management, this also includes regular audits. TZWL also contributes its many years of experience to the standards work.

There are specifications regarding qualifications and clear task structures for the personnel to be selected for the audits. Regular further and advanced training events are a matter of course. The QM forms the basis for this personnel policy.

Last but not least, with regard to upcoming changes in QM, processes or technical changes, there are procedures and specifications that ensure that all employees of the inspection body are always and regularly made aware of the new processes and receive any additional qualifications that may be required.

Compliance with the QM specifications and the high quality of the test results obtained are reflected in the accreditation symbol on our test reports.

We offer accredited sound measurements via long-standing partners

TZWL itself is not accredited to carry out sound measurements on ventilation units.

In order to be able to offer our customers accredited acoustic measurements, we work closely with accredited sound laboratories and specialists for acoustic measurements.

The accreditation cycle

The accreditation cycle lasts around five years. In the first step, accreditation is applied for, the laboratory is assessed in detail and accreditation is then granted. In each of the following four years, the accreditation is monitored.
This cycle is repeated at five-year intervals.

The total costs of accreditation result from the DAKKS fees, expenses for materials and further training measures and, in particular, personnel costs. The total costs amount to up to 5% of annual turnover over a 5-year accreditation cycle.
The costs are covered by the statutory income of the TZWL in the area of accredited services.

Accredited test methods

Colored standards are accredited within the framework of flexible accreditation

Standard procedure

DIN EN 13141-4, 2011-09
Lvents for buildings – Performance testing of components/products for the ventilation of dwellings –Part 4: Fans in ventilation systems for dwellings
except Section 5: Performance testing of acoustic characteristics

DIN EN 13141-4, 2022-12
Ventilation for buildings – Performance testing of components/products
for the ventilation of dwellings – Part 4: Aerodynamic,
electrical and acoustic performance of unidirectional
ventilation units
except section 5: Performance testing of acoustic characteristics

DIN EN 13141-6, 2004-04
Ventilation for buildings – Performance testing of components/products for the ventilation of dwellings – Part 6: Units for extract air systems for a single dwelling
except section 5: Performance testing of acoustic characteristics

DIN EN 13141-6, 2015-02
Ventilation for buildings – Performance testing of components/products for the ventilation of dwellings – Part 7: Performance testing of mechanical supply and extract air units for mechanical ventilation ventilation systems in residential units (apartment or detached house)
except section 6.4: Performance testing of acoustic properties

DIN EN 13141-7, 2011-01
Ventilation for buildings – Performance testing of components/products
for the ventilation of dwellings – Part 7: Performance testing of
mechanical supply and extract air units with air ducting (including heat recovery)
except section 7.4: Performance testing of acoustic characteristics

DIN EN 13141-7, 2022-12
Ventilation for buildings – Performance testing of components/products
for the ventilation of dwellings – Part 7: Performance testing of
mechanical supply and extract air units with air ducting (including heat recovery)
except section 7.4: Performance testing of acoustic characteristics

DIN EN 13141-8, 2014-09
Ventilation for buildings – Performance testing of components/products for the ventilation of dwellings – Part 8: Performance testing of mechanical supply and extract air units without air ducting (including heat recovery) for fan-assisted ventilation systems for individual rooms ventilation systems for individual rooms
except Section 9: Performance testing of acoustic parameters

DIN EN 13141-8, 2023-06
Ventilation for buildings – Performance testing of components/products
for the ventilation of dwellings – Part 8: Performance testing of
mechanical supply and extract air units without air ducting (including
heat recovery) for fan assisted ventilation systems
of individual rooms
except section 9: Performance testing of acoustic characteristics

DIN EN 13141-11, 2015-07
Ventilation for buildings – Performance testing of components/products
for the ventilation of dwellings – Part 11: Supply air systems
except section 6.4: Acoustic characteristics

DIN 18017-3, 2020-05
Ventilation of bathrooms and toilet rooms without external windows –
Part 3: Ventilation with fans, here:
Section 7.1.1 Ventilation verification and
Section 7.2.1 Standard characteristics and operating point, air flow rate

DIN 18017-3, 2022-05
Ventilation of bathrooms and toilet rooms without external windows –
Part 3: Ventilation with fans here:
Section 7.1.1 Ventilation verification and
Section 7.2.1 Standard characteristic curve and operating point, free-blowing air flow rate

EN 308, 1997
Heat exchangers – Test method for determining the performance criteria of air/air and air/flue gas heat recovery components

EN 308, 2023- 06
Heat exchangers – Test method for determining the performance criteria
of air-to-air and air-to-exhaust heat recovery components

ÖNORM EN 13141-7, 2010-12
Ventilation for buildings – Performance testing of components/products
for the ventilation of dwellings – Part 7: Performance testing of
mechanical supply and extract air units (including heat recovery)
except section 6.4: Performance testing of acoustic properties

ÖNORM EN 13141-7, 2021-11
Ventilation for buildings – Performance testing of components/products
for the ventilation of dwellings – Part 7: Performance testing of
mechanical supply and extract air units (including heat recovery)
except section 6.4: Performance testing of acoustic properties

ÖNORM EN 13141-8, 2014-10
Ventilation for buildings – Performance testing of components/products
for the ventilation of dwellings – Part 8: Performance testing of mechanical supply and extract air units without air ducting (including heat recovery) for fan assisted ventilation systems of individual rooms
except section 9: Performance testing of acoustic properties

ÖNORM EN 13141-8, 2023-03
Ventilation for buildings – Performance testing of components/products
for the ventilation of dwellings – Part 8: Performance testing of mechanical supply and extract air units without air ducting (including heat recovery)
except section 9: Performance testing of acoustic properties

NEN-EN 13141-7, 2021-04

Ventilation for buildings – Performance testing of components/products for residential ventilation – Part 7: Performance testing of ducted mechanical supply and exhaust ventilation units (including heat recovery)
except section 8.7: Acoustic characteristics

NEN-EN 13141-8, 2014-07
Ventilation for buildings – Performance testing of components/products for residential ventilation – Part 8: Performance testing of un-ducted mechanical supply and exhaust ventilation units (including heat recovery) for mechanical ventilation systems intended for a single room
except section 9: Performance testing of acoustic characteristics

NEN-EN 13141-8, 2022-09
Ventilation for buildings – Performance testing of components/products for residential ventilation – Part 8: Performance testing of non-ducted mechanical supply and exhaust ventilation units (including heat recovery)
except section 9: Performance testing of acoustic characteristics

within the framework of the following regulations

Regulation (EU) No 1253/2014
COMMISSION REGULATION (EU) No 1253/2014 of 7 July
2014 implementing Directive 2009/125/EC of the European
Parliament and of the Council with regard to ecodesign requirements for ventilation systems

Regulation (EU) No 1254/2014
of 11 July 2014 supplementing Directive 2010/30/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council with regard to energy labelling
of residential ventilation units

In-house procedure

Passive House component testing of ventilation units <600 m³/h, 2020-10
Test method based on the requirements and test methods
for the energy and acoustic assessment of Passive House
ventilation units < 600 m³/h for certification as a “Passive House suitable
component” (PHI certification criteria “Building Services Engineering”;
2018-12) except Section 6: Acoustic tests

Passive House component test for single-room ventilation units, 2020-10
Test method based on the requirements and test methods
for the energy and acoustic assessment of façade-integrated Passive House ventilation units: A) Single-room ventilation units (PHI certification criteria “Building services engineering”; 2015-07)
except section 3.7: Acoustic tests