Website and operator
European Test Center for Residential Ventilation Units (TZWL) e. V.
Adolph-Kolping-Str. 21
58239 Schwerte
+49 (0)2304 91115 71
E-mail address
About the association
Executive Board
Dr.- Ing. Meinolf Gringel (Chairman)
Prof. Dr. Udo Gieseler
Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Taner Özbiyik
Dipl.-Betriebsw. (FH) Jörg Köntopp
Registered office of the association
Register court
Local court Dortmund
Register number
VR 5236
Tax number
Sales tax ID
DE 209429304
Copyright and disclaimer
2024 European Test Center for Residential Ventilation Units (TZWL) e. V.
Any publication under the user’s own name or the passing on of the information displayed, in particular the test data, is only permitted with the express written consent of TZWL e. V.. This applies in particular to storage and processing in electronic systems. Excerpts are only permitted with the prior written consent of TZWL e. V. and with citation of the source. The authors and publishers have prepared this publication to the best of their knowledge and belief and with the greatest possible care. Nevertheless, content and technical errors cannot be completely ruled out. All information is provided to the best of our knowledge and belief, but without guarantee.
Picture credits
On the following pages we use images or footage (where applicable) under license from
Infoportal Wohnungslüftung (; TZWL-eBulletin (; Artist: Andrii Yalanskyi
Promotion of home ventilation (; Artist: wk1003mike
Knowledge about home ventilation ( and all subpages; Imprint (; General terms and conditions (; Data protection (; About TZWL (; Artist: ronstik
Ventilation concept according to DIN 1946-6 (; Artist: Franck Boston
Standards & Guidelines (; Artist: TierneyMJ
Consulting (; Artist: tsyhun
Research & Development ( and subpages; Artist: Gorodenkoff
News (; Artist: Tero Vesalainen
News – 12th Residential Ventilation Forum; Artist: Matej Kastelic
Energy transition master plan (; artist: saiko3p