Which key figures are determined according to PHI?

The Passive House Institute has its own specifications for testing controlled domestic ventilation units, which form the basis for certifying the unit as a Passive House-compatible component.

Key figures according to PHI certification

Due to different test requirements, the test results may deviate from the results according to DIBT and EN 13141 tests. The individual characteristic values are:

Heat supply efficiency (effective) in %

Refers to the heat output of the appliance as measured in accordance with the PHI test conditions, minus the deductions required by PHI requirements for influences that cannot be taken from the original measurement data.

Electrical efficiency in Wh/m3

The electrical efficiency of the appliance is indicated analogous to the specific electrical power consumption.

Application range inm3/h

Minimum to maximum air flow rate at which the device meets the requirements of the Passive House Institute.

Sound insulation

The Passive House Institute requires a limited noise nuisance from domestic ventilation units. The device sound as well as the duct sound pressure levels of supply air and exhaust air ducts are output:

35 dB(A) is the maximum housing sound power that a certified domestic ventilation unit may generate in order to be operated in an adjacent room (e.g. kitchen, bathroom) in a passive house without further measures. These devices are marked with a tick in the list. Devices whose sound pressure level in the installation room exceeds this value may only be operated in technical rooms in passive houses.

The PHI requires a maximum sound pressure level of 25 dB(A) in living rooms (supply air) and 35 dB(A) in functional rooms (exhaust air). If the ventilation unit exceeds these limit values, the additional installation of silencers is recommended. The measured values in this list refer to the duct sound of the supply air and extract air ducts.